Newport Pagnell Archers Newsletter May 2016
Hello and an especial welcome to new members; Hello again to everyone else.
We have been growing very quickly and there is a lot of exciting stuff happening. Everyone will notice gradual improvements at the field this summer: the boss stands will get a makeover and sprout wheels; covers will become easy to remove and put back; the shooting line will emerge from its jungle; and the grass will stay shorter and stop eating arrows.
We congratulate Gren Williams on becoming (very soon) a Level 2 Coach; Phil James and Jason Thorniley on becoming Level 1 Coaches. If you would like to join them please let me know - we will be recruiting more coaches as we grow. The club will refund course fees as new coaches support beginners courses. We will continue to attract people with regular beginners courses plus "have a go" sessions starting around July and alternating monthly. Our Boost Archery / Improver Coaching programme will come on stream this summer.
As we start to work formally with improvers we want to give them and others opportunities to experience a little more challenge, so we will be modifying Sunday morning shoots. In future these will continue to include "serious" formal shoots for the club's experienced archers. Alongside these we will introduce recorded rounds over shorter distances to give people experience of more formal shooting and to allow them to build up (literally) a track record. There will also be space for recreational archers with "sticks and twigs" - the very unfair description by the (self styled) elite of those who just want to have fun - barebow, longbow, traditional bows, social archers.
Behind this "real" stuff lurks your committee. We now publish a synopsis of financial and membership details with committee minutes, so you can see how the club is progressing. If you can't find this on the web site register as a member and all will be revealed! We have just agreed our first complete Business Plan, including a Budget. These are also in the members area of the web site and we will be asking you to agree them at the AGM, after which the committee will be formally bound through them to implement your wishes. If you have any comments on the Business Plan please let me have them - anything which adds to the Plan will be reviewed by the committee and added if appropriate.
On 25th June we will have a stand (actually of course a range) at the Newport Pagnell Carnival. If you would like to help please let Carl or me know.
Finally, another appeal for new Committee Members: We are working hard and have achieved a lot this year, but there will continue to be a lot to do going into the future. If you would like to contribute as a committee member please let me know or have a chat on (or maybe just behind!) the shooting line.