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Newport Pagnell Archers Newsletter July 2016

Summer has finally arrived. Our field looks resplendent with tidy bosses, clean faces and, most importantly, short neat grass. Spare faces and pins will be available from committee members at all club sessions.

We are getting a greater turnout on Sundays, although most people are still not choosing to shoot rounds. As part of our club improvement programme we want to encourage more people to shoot competitively. We plan to start the process with a Juniors tournament on the afternoon of Saturday 3rd September. There is no entry fee (and no posh prizes!) but we do plan to have a senior archery guest who will offer advice and guidance to all participants and their parents. Please let me know if you / your children would like to join in. We have high hopes for the future and it would be great to have more archers as successful as Jacky, who has a string of excellent tournament results this year.

Our next Beginners’ Course will be on Saturday 10th September. This will be the last outdoor course for 2016.

Our AGM will be held at the Royal British Legion, 1 Ousebank Street, Town Centre, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8AN at 1930 on Friday 30th September. Anyone (including current committee members) wishing to stand for election to the committee must give notice to the Secretary by 30th August. Nominations need a proposer and seconder and may be submitted on paper or by email (with email nominations the proposer and seconder should send separate emails to confirm their support). Candidates may include a “manifesto” if they so wish.

Candidates may stand for one or more specific posts, or simply to serve as committee members. Elections will be held at the AGM for any contested posts. According to the Club’s Constitution the officers at a minimum shall be: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Coaching Officer, Records Officer, Tournament / shooting organiser, Equipment Officer. In practice we currently have only six committee members addressing a much wider range of activities than those above, and we could do with more people willing to help out with organisational tasks (e.g. internal tournaments, social events).

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